Pendant Sale on Blue Flame Magick Supplies

So I announced this on twitter, but forgot to make a blog post about it.
There is currently a sale occurring at my etsy store
I feel it is a time for me to change my focus. My malas will still be there, but now it’s time for me to move away from the pendants I’ve been consecrating, so they’re on sale.
So because of this decision all my pendants are marked down to $20, in some cases that’s more than 50% off.
So if you’re looking for healing, help with chronic health issues, or help preventing health problems there are my Medicine Buddha pendants
If you’re looking for help with the financial, increasing wealth and over-coming obstacles to wealth (specifically when poverty prevents spiritual practice) there are White Mahakala pendants
Lastly, more abstract are my Machik Labdron pendants. It is through her practice that “karmic debts are purified” and “sickness, demons, and obstacles are pacified into space.” The idea is that chöd, the practice of Machik Labdron purifies karmic debts, and asks for the blessing of a variety of spirits to help you on your path. While these blessings can be useful for almost anything, I find they’re best for overcoming chronic issues, as they tend to be karmically rooted. So if there is a specific problem that keeps reoccurring without a physical/mundane cause, perhaps a Machik Labdron pendant would be useful.
More information on each pendant is available in the links, including more on what they do, and how they were consecrated. Since I’m getting out of the pendant business (at least for a time) this may be the last time to get some of these. They’re all marked down to $20 –Canadian too, a deal for Yankees 😉 – and supplies are limited. Get them while they last, and help me build up some capital for my next endeavour.
(And any signal boost would be appreciated)

Posted by kalagni