
Welcome to Blue Flame Magick, my multi-discipline occult site and blog. Blue Flame Magick is an extension and combination of my personal occult blog, magickal career, reactions and reflections on the occult community, and much more.

I started this blog in 2010 on wordpress.com and recently decided it was time to have a dedicated site. This will allow me to streamline my content, as well as providing more options for what I share with people.

In terms of magickal practices I’m somewhat eclectic, but in the 21st century who isn’t? My main paths and practices are from Vajrayana Buddhism (Tibetan Buddhism), studying in both the Gelug and Karma Kagyu lineages. Like any occultist who came of age in the 90s I also have a background in Chaos Magick that can’t quite be shaken. Other practices that inform my work are Sabbatic Craft and Vicia (Feri). Though my current focus is working more with my spirits and letting them take me deeper into their spheres.

For over a decade I’ve been a sorcerer for hire, handling a variety of challenges, and services from custom spell work to divination to talismanic creation.

You can follow me over on twitter at blueflamemagick


[…] with an occultist from the city; he asked me about my “occult odd-jobs” as mentioned on my About page. He asked me hypothetically what I’d do for someone asking about wealth magick. There are two […]

Blau Stern Schwarz Schlonge

Nice mix of Vajrayana and Western Magickes. Wish you posted more often as then i would follow you.

Hi. I am very interested in your research on The Neverending Story Tarot meanings. You said you have 28 pages of notes. I loved the story since I was 6 years old but only for one year I am into Tarot. It is like a light goes on and I finally “see” The neverending story. I also thought through characters and events from the books, translating these into Tarot. It would be cool of you to blog about it and share your thoughts. You can also find/contact me on Instagram. Zauberklangkk :))

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