The Orphic Hymns Grimoire, by Sara Mastros

With just under two weeks left, I really want to make sure the word gets out about this amazing project, so please, support it if you can, or at very least share. If we can share far and wide we can make this happen.
The Orphic Hymns are a collection of 87 hymns to the Greek Gods. They come out of the historical tradition, but they’ve been used by ceremonialists and pagans for a long time too. Many translations exist, but this new translation will prove to be something else altogether.
Sara Mastros, of Mastros and Zealot: Witches for Hire, of the Pittsburgh Witch House, is translating the hymns in a kickstarter. Her translation focuses on rhyme and meter, which most translations don’t, and that will make it even more effective for chanting and praying.
Sara isn’t just translating the hymns though, her book will include historical context for each hymn, essays on the gods, and spell ideas for working with each hymn. Sara has a wonderful magical mind, and I have no doubt these rituals will be great, especially if her preview rituals are an indication. There will also be many ikons of the gods illustrated by Chase Brian Charles.
I was the second backer for this, I’m very excited to see what will come of this. It’s an all or nothing kickstarter. That means if she doesn’t reach the goal, the book isn’t made. So if you’re debating the book or think you might grab it when it comes out, stop, you might not get the chance. You can’t grab it when it comes out if there wasn’t enough support to publish the book.
Please support and share this. Let’s help make the Orphic Hymns Grimoire become a reality!
You can also follow the updates and translations on the Orphic Hymns Grimoire facebook page.

Posted by kalagni